Notebook The Dark Knight where stream 3840×2160 family horror

  • UK
  • release year 2008
  • Runtime 2 H, 32 min
  • Genre Crime
  • Cast Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart
  • ratings 9 / 10 stars

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My wife and myself, parents of three little kids, rarely get to go to the cinema. Two weeks ago, during our holidays, we got my parent to babysit the little monsters, so that we can finally get out again. Taking a peek into the papers (actually *real* papers, I had no internet access. revealed, that “The Dark Knight” was the only watchable movie playing in the small nearby town.
Somewhat reluctantly, we decided to give it a try. What the hell, we thought, we are on holidays anyway, why not check a kids movie (sorry to all fans of previous Batman movies, but that’s just what I think of them.
BOY, were we surprised! After the movie, it took us a few minutes before we both burst out “this is one of the best movies I ever saw! I won’t go into any details, for the multitude of excellent comments on this board already presents this movie as it is: a MASTERPIECE! Especially the performance of the late Heath Ledger (Joker) was unbelievable (posthumous Oscar, anyone? I actually felt quite nervous and actually even a bit scared during some Joker scenes – something I didn’t experience that often in a movie theater! And yet, we both felt, that quite a few lines of his could have been from us. br>
It’s a must, please go watch it either in a real movie theater, or in a DAMN good home theater. While the special effects in this movie are just what they *should* be (a mere vehicle to transport the message) the atmosphere of the movie just won’t come over if you watch it on a 19” monitor with your 5.1 headset on. I’d gladly pay again to see it one more time.

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Cons: Since when did Batman talk like Cookie Monster? I couldn’t even understand what Bale was saying half of the time. Seriously, there’s a difference between hiding your real voice and Cannibal Corpse try-outs. The plot was terrible, and they “modernized” Gotham City. Sonar and Cell Phones, now he can see like a BAT! Really? They didn’t even show how and why he could see in the dark using the “pre-made” sonar capable bat mask. You’ve GOT to be kidding! Then there’s the ending, which seemed to me like a huge rush of different movie clips they had saved for outtakes and random lines that, absolutely, had no real meaning, just sentence fragments of what has happened and what will happen. Batman isn’t supposed to be looked at like a cop killer, which is what the ending basically insinuated. They ruined Batman, and our culture is eating this crap movie up like imported chocolate.
Pros: I did, on the other hand, love how Christopher Nolan hardly used any CGI in the film, which brought realism to the action sequences. CGI is ruining films and it’s great to finally watch one with “real” objects being destroyed. The only great thing this movie had going for it was Heath Ledger by a long shot, he carried and stole the show in every aspect. At times, he reminded me of Brandon Lee. Truly Epic.

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We will give you the link to watch Batman: Atsawinrattikan movie.
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  7. The Call of the Wild


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